Thursday, July 30, 2015

Random Thoughts - I'm like Thomas Sowell

Dear Joel,

Today I've got some random thoughts.

This morning, as a follow-up to my post last week, I took a step toward public expression of my views on an important moral and political issue by sharing a Rand Paul press release about a bill he is co-sponsoring that will prohibit the federal funding of Planned Parenthood.

Yesterday Jase and Rachel loaned us their pocket fetal doppler so that we can listen to our unborn child's heartbeat whenever we want. We actually couldn't find it last night in our first attempt, but we'll probably try again tonight. We'll find out whether it's a boy or a girl in a couple of weeks!

I injured my shoulder playing softball last week on a head-first slide (I was safe). We play again today and I'm hoping I'm up to it.

Do you ever find yourself wondering what you're going to do with your life, and then you realize that you're over 30 years old, and you're actually already doing it? I like my job, but I don't know that it's something I will continue to do for the next 30 years, I've been thinking lately about how it'd be really fun to write a series of blog posts about historical events as they relate to movies about those events. So, for example, I could write about the Battle of Thermopylae and highlight what the movie 300 got right and wrong. One of the challenges would be writing with the appropriate tone. I mean, I love movies, and every time some know-it-all hears me say I like the movie Rudy and proceeds to chime in with, "That's not how it really happened, you know..." I just want to punch him in the face. We all know that's not how it really happened. So I wouldn't want to come across as such a know-it-all. But I think I could praise the movies and use them as entry points to discuss the actual historical events -- which, while probably less dramatic and without perfectly happy endings all the time, are pretty entertaining themselves!

Then again, I don't know how that could make me any money. And I do have a growing family to support...

Are you back from your hiatus yet? When can we expect another post from you?

Edit: I hadn't seen your post from yesterday yet. Apparently that answers my above question.


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