Monday, August 24, 2015

Four Eyes

Dear Jake,

I have to start by saying that your response to my question from my previous post leaves me wondering if you understood the tongue-in-cheek nature with which I was asking.  I was not-so-subtly hinting that I think it would be wonderful if you, your wife, and my niece moved over my way.  Though it's in all ways selfish I do think that there are good reasons for you to consider it.

I also want you to know that while I wouldn't say that there is a single correct way to educate a child I do think that there are superior ways.  Your cynicism for public school is not unfounded.  I too know many godly men and women from a wide variety of education backgrounds and would agree that parental involvement and education at home is easily the most important part of the process.  After all, I was raised in a public school and while I don't consider myself "godly" I do consider myself a Christian who is very much in love with my Savior Jesus Christ.  Here's the thing though.  2015 looks A LOT different than 1988 did within the public sector. 

I remember Mrs. Bradfield kept a cord of three strands complete with matching proverb hanging on her wall.  I remember her talking about why it was there and unabashedly declaring her devotion to Jesus in the classroom.  It was a different time.  None of that is okay now.

But the education can be good and that's why they're there.  I can teach them who God is.  I certainly wouldn't leave it up to a school teacher anyway.

Maybe.  Maybe.  Remember though, I've worked with Jr. and Sr. high school students now for 10 years and I have learned a lot about education and let me tell you this.  We have turned our schools into a place where mediocrity is celebrated while success and extraordinary are pinned down and held back.

But that's not why public school is the last resort for me.  Honestly, there are many private schools that are just expensive places to do the same thing.

My biggest concern is something called world view.  I think that we all are born into this world with distorted vision.  It's imperfect.  Everything we learn becomes something that we see.  We even talk like that right?  You hear someone say, "...well the way I see it..."  They say that because they "see" truth but that truth is distorted or imperfect.  This is where I think Christian education isn't just a good option for Christians.  I actually put more weight on it than that.  I believe that Christians, if they have any choice at all, SHOULD choose Christian education. This is because I think our job is to help our covenant children put on the glasses of the Gospel so that they can correct that distored vision.  All things, all truth, should be viewed through The Word know...Jesus.  The best philosophy (christian or otherwise), the best science, the best history, the best literature (christian or otherwise), the best music, art, etc... should be seen through the lens of the Gospel. I think that a private Christian school does that better than public schools (basically because public schools don't do it at all) and I DO think that it is so important that it's okay to tell other Christians that it's something they should do if they have any choice at all.  Scripture speaks a lot to this, but I think it's summed up pretty much when Jesus claims that he is the truth and, simply put, if that's true, then the truth isn't taught at public schools.  At least not anymore.

Notice I haven't mentioned homeschooling.  That's because I think that homeschooling is a great option for Christian education.

Notice that I didn't mention Classical Christian education.  That's because it's not about the classical part.  I do love it and I'd love to share why and perhaps I will someday, but not today.

Can Christians still go to public schools and come out on the other side as Christians?  Absolutely!

Can Christians still go to Christian school and come out on the other side and walk away from their faith?  Absolutely! 

As mentioned before I've been a part of students' lives for a long time.  I have had students from both public school and Christian school.  100% of the time the one from the Christian school had a deeper understanding of who Jesus is, what He said, and how science, math, history, art, music, etc... fit into who He is than those who went to one of the best public schools in the state.  This doesn't make them any MORE Christian, but it does give them a head start as they continue to go deeper in their faith.  Actually, there are certain families that are incredibly serious about their faith, incredibly faithful to the church, they pray together, read scripture together, and you know that their children have been raised to know Jesus well.  I can't tell you how often in our discussions the Christian school kid and the public school kid come to the same conclusion about issues.  Only one of them, however, can usually tell you "why" they came to that conclusion.  I want my kids to know the why.

You have some time, and you're brilliant.  You always have been.  You will choose the right education for your child and if you choose public school, I will just assume that you know better than me, because you probably do.  Even though it's a ways out for you (blink and it'll be here) I want to strongly encourage you to look at Christian education.

To answer your question about a game night, card night, or other night that I hang out with guys, my answer would be yes...I think I do.  Pretty much every Wednesday night I get together with 3 other guys and we share our lives together and when the church clears out, go plug in guitars and drums and see how loud we can get before we get a headache in our old age.  A regular card night consisting of euchre, drinks (Diet Pepsi of course...since mom will probably read this), and tortilla chips with bean dip has always been on my radar and perhaps, if one of my brothers would move this way, it would come to fruition.

Here is a question for you, what is a new hobby or interest that you have picked up after college that I might be interested in but don't know it yet?


  1. You know I read this:) I am your most loyal fan. I don't care what you drink, I had three margaritas last night. Just don't drink and drive. Oh yeah and dad had two beers.

  2. and...... I had coffee yesterday! It was in the form of ice cream though. and..... I lied about what dad and I had to drink. I had water, and Dad had diet pepsi, lots of it.
