Friday, August 14, 2015

A Little Girl

This post is a day late because I wanted to write about my daughter and I hadn't told mom and dad yet that I have one.

The other day, as you know, Elizabeth and I found out that the baby she's due to deliver at Christmas time is a girl. I've been a little terrified ever since. I don't have a lot of experience with raising girls. I've never actually raised boys either, but I've been around it a lot more.

Fortunately for me, I've got a brother who has experience with both. So teach me a little bit. How have your girls been different from your boys? What things do you worry about with your girls that you don't have to worry about with your boys? What's better about your girls than your boys? And let's see if you can answer any of these questions while realizing that someday both your boys and girls might read your answers!


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