Thursday, July 2, 2015

Happy Independence Day

Dear Joel,

Funny you should ask a political question. As you probably know, I tend toward the conservative side of the spectrum, which means several things. First, it means I'm ignorant, intolerant, and bigoted (although I trust you wouldn't know it from having a conversation with me!). Second, it means that when you ask for a single government program to get rid of, I find myself chuckling, because choosing one program out of the thousands of government programs that probably shouldn't exist is comical to me.

But you also know that I'm a big fan of the tv show The West Wing, which follows the fictional administration of President Bartlet, a liberal democrat.

So even though I'm ignorant and intolerant and bigoted, I believe that humans have the ability to rise above such awfulness and have productive - even positive - interactions about what's important in this world. I only hope some people who don't agree with my political views feel the same way.

I don't want to get stuck talking about The West Wing forever (ok, that's not true), but I'm interested in knowing, do you have a favorite season? A favorite episode? A favorite character?

Also, what are you doing for the holiday weekend (I suppose by the time you answer this, it will be what did you do for the holiday weekend)?




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