Monday, July 6, 2015


Dear Jake,

Do you ever have extremely long weekends?  I do.  I had a long weekend over 4th of July.  It was good and for the most part it was fun, but it was long.

Emily Lang got married and became Emily Romero.  Her husband is an extremely nice guy from an extremely nice family.  They are nearly all either active military or retired.  They are originally from Puerto Rico. Jose comes from a family of four boys.  The way they interact made me think of how I interact with all of you.  None of them live near each other so they don't get together often.  Their dad said they were up until 5am Friday night just laughing and joking and spending time together.

I want to do that.  My happiest times are with my brothers.  I have a very VERY full life.  I have nothing at all to complain about.  God is been so gracious to us and I fear that I often take it for granted the things I've been blessed with.  I shouldn't complain.

But I miss my brothers.  We don't hang out enough.  I want to hang out with you all.

Anyway.  I love the West Wing.  Coming up with a favorite episode can't be done.  I like the series.  Here are some good moments, but I hold none of them higher than the others.  If I was forced to choose, I may choose "In the Shadow of Two Gunman part 2".  Maybe.

I'm leaving town for awhile.  Going to Colorado and then to South Dakota.  I have written one post ahead of time.  If I have time, I'll write the others, but if you don't hear from me for awhile you'll know why.

Here's your question for next week.  What is your favorite fiction book?


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