Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Sound the Trump-et!


I've had a crazy month.  One minute it was like, July 3rd and we were getting ready for Emily Lang (now Romero)'s wedding.  I closed my eyes for a second and now it's July 29th and we're moving into August.  I want to briefly fill you in on some of the things that went down this month, but first I will respond to your last post.

I wrestle with it a lot.  The idea of getting noisy.  I wrestle for a few different reasons.  I agree that it seems like the noisy whiners and complainers are the ones who are taking over the culture and leading us into certain doom.  I adamantly disagree with some of the things that our society is falling for hook line and sinker.  To anyone that is willing to talk to me, I'll tell them that I disagree and why.  I have had many conversations with people who will post pictures, sayings, quotes, articles, and memes on their facebook page that I disagree with.  In the 3-4 instances where I've found myself in conversations with those people IRL it turns out that they don't have a clue what they are talking about.  They have absolutely no response to logic and common sense.  Without a screen to hide behind and a group of like-minded (loose term since often there really isn't a 'mind' to speak of) they can't support a single argument.  They are loud online and quiet as a church mouse when confronted on their beliefs and challenged to answer the ever important question, "Why?"

I'm part of a Facebook group called Nerd Fighters.  It's the "adult" version of the group.  I joined this group awhile ago because I wanted to keep tabs on what way the internet culture is leaning on things and what things are lighting the fires among the GIANT subculture of social media dwellers.

Just a little background on Nerd Fighters:  NerdFighteria is an online subculture founded by Hank and John Green who are YouTube and Social Media GIANTS.  They are also now giants in other things.  John Green is also the author of such books as "The Fault in Our Stars", "Looking for Alaska", and "Paper Towns".  Truth be told, I've read his teenage angst filled books and can honestly say, I think his books are popular because of his online fame, not because they are awesome.  I like his books, but I also like a lot of things that are not best sellers.

NF slogan is DFTBA or Don't Forget To Be Awesome.  The goal of the group is to decrease world suck by being awesome.

This is a noble goal and one that I believe the group strives for.  However, if you think about it, the goal is pretty vague.  No one ever takes time to determine what is actually world suck and what is awesome.  This leads to a lot of problems that I think represent much of what we are wrestling with.  This group of people is almost exclusively left leaning.  Because of this anyone that leans right isn't someone who disagrees with them...they are certifiably insane.  Do you see how that works?  They are so convinced that their viewpoint is normal and right that if you disagree, you are an idiot not worthy of speaking or thinking.  The following is an example post...which I could pick out about 3 a day that support my claim.

I apologize for the terrible language used, but it works toward my point.  This was posted in response to an article about Donald Trump...who btw is like...the worst enemy of this group. 

OMFG... I... *seething* ..... Can someone please explain to me how this incompetent (multiple bankruptcies), myopic, self-important, arrogant, misogynistic, racist, homophobic, allround bigoted c*nt (pardon my language, but really.. Can you blame me?) is even ALLOWED a fucking equal platform???
And don't start shitting me about free speech. It's not free speech when you are preaching hate and ignorance or denying basic facts or rights (like consent). Free speech ends when it starts affecting other people negatively.
Also, free speech does NOT mean your bullshit deserves the taken seriously or that you won't get flack for it.

I want to answer this person's question and point if I have to...about how this is a completely self-righteous and hypocritical post.

Q: How is Donald Trump allowed an equal platform?
A: Since you are a part of "adult" nerd fighters I will assume you've taken American government and understand the qualifications for someone to run for office.  You don't have to agree or like him.  You are even allowed to hate him.  By being an American in America, however, he is allowed an equal platform.  Let's not forget that our current president, one which you likely voted for if you were old enough to vote last election, still has many questions regarding his legal qualifications for president.  Donald Trump doesn't have these mysteries surrounding his qualifications.  The fact that you would even question how he is allowed to have an equal platform tells me that our education system has failed you, you are ignorant, and you are not really being very American.

Also, free speech doesn't end when it starts negatively affecting other people.  If that were true Facebook would cease to exist and this post would be flagged.  I hate this post because it shows me that our education system has failed, you are ignorant, and you are not really being very American.  That makes me sad and angry.  Both are negative feelings.
Also, I don't think that Trump is under any notion that he won't get flack for what he says.  If you don't think it deserves to be taken seriously, why are you taking it so seriously?

So my conclusion to all of this is that you can't be louder.  You could try, but then you are stooping to their level.  I could have written the previous paragraphs in the comments, but would it have fixed anything?  No.  In fact, it may have gotten flagged and taken down for being hateful.

What can you do?  I think the answer lies in making sure you know Jesus intimately and start seeing people through his eyes.  You are right to be assured that the church is not being threatened by our culture right now.  In fact, in all places other than North America and Europe, the church is growing wildly.  Gosh, it even looks like we may start seeing growth again in Europe.  Especially Eastern Europe.

It's okay to hate the culture, but never start hating the people.  On the way to and from Colorado Pam and I read through the first 400 years of Christianity.  If I learned anything it's this.  God's church will grow exactly how God wants it to.  He doesn't need you to grow it and even better, you aren't going to mess it up.  He does, however, want you to see it happen and be there to see him establish his seriously upside-down Kingdom.  I for one, don't want to miss it.

Speaking of Trump, I can't say I'll vote for him, but isn't it fun that someone, somewhere, has no obligation to anything except their own mind.  I mean I personally love the fact that he can say whatever the heck he wants because he funds himself.  Cheesy ueker line time: He's got a hand full of Trump and he's going it alone.

So what are the 3 most important beliefs that a candidate holds that can sway your vote in an election?


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