Monday, March 2, 2015

If She Goes Down 21,000 Leagues Under the Sea...

Dear Jake,

I have favorite TV shows.  The thing about TV is that there is so many different things being showed that I think you can have multiple favorites.

Thanks to you I am a fan of The West Wing.  It's still my favorite of all time.  I have favorite episodes too.  I think Noel, Game On, and And it's Surely to Their Credit, are a few of my favorite episodes, although seasons 1-4, just about every single episode contains moments that could be my favorite at any given time.

Thanks to West Wing I've become an avid fan of The Newsroom.  This show is famous for it's opening scene where Jeff Daniels (who is fantastic btw) as Will McAvoy goes off on a college student in a public forum explaining why America is no longer the greatest nation in the world, but it could be.  It is classic Aaron Sorkin and it is fantastic throughout.  It rivals The West Wing for me.

In other genres, I have just recently fallen in love with Friends.

I'm a big fan of Dr. Who.  It doesn't compare to most shows, but in the "Joel, you're a complete nerd" genre, this is right up there for first place.

I haven't watched much of it because it's episodes are really long, but Sherlock is tremendous.

Get this, I watch Downton Abbey every single week without fail.  That show truly is a masterpiece.  I've never been so enthralled by a show where nothing ever really happens.  It is an incredible piece of work and for straight up dramas, it ranks up there for me.

There isn't much that beats a Sunday afternoon in late October wearing sweatpants and watching the baseball playoffs while switching back and forth to football.  If those are "TV shows" then they are definitely favorites.

There are shows I think I'd be into as well.  The nerd in me says I'd really get into Game of Thrones.  I've also been told that the 4 episodes of Breaking Bad that I forced myself through aren't enough that I'd fall in love with the show if I could keep going.

Also, there's Shark Tank, which is in a category by itself.  Great show.

I heard that people want us to be funnier on here.  They need to refer to last week's post where I assure them that I'm really the only person that thinks I'm funny.  If they don't think my blog posts are funny then that just goes to show that I'm the only person who really thinks I'm funny.  Why? Because I think that this blog post and every other blog post I've written is freaking hilarious.  I'm rolling on the floor laughing my butt off right now.

I'm going to give you an option that I don't know if you'll like so if you don't want to do it, don't.  Here's my request:  Write the funniest haiku that you can.



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