Thursday, May 28, 2015

An Easy Choice

Dear Joel,

There's a blog I read sometimes called Wait, But Why? I subscribed the first time I read the site's subtitle: "new post every sometimes." It made me laugh.

The guy who writes it covers a wide variety of topics, and he's written a couple of posts on The American Presidents. I think right now he's completed two posts and they cover all of the presidents up through McKinley. I'm telling you this in case you want to get an overview of each American President.

I've read those two posts, and I can tell you with confidence that my favorite president is... Bill DeWitt III, President of the St. Louis Cardinals. It was an easy choice.

Choosing an American president would be a tough endeavor indeed. History is always murkier than we think it is. It's really impossible to evaluate presidents on some kind of absolute and objective criterion. So... sorry for not really answering the question in the way I'm sure you meant it. Even so, I'd love to hear your own answer to it.

I also wanted to let you know that I'll be on vacation and "unplugged" next week, so you should not expect a Thursday post. If you want, you can fill in for me. It'd be funny if you respond to your own post from Monday. Or write a short story from the point of view of a roadrunner who lives in the southwest and is constantly being chased by coyotes.


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