Thursday, February 12, 2015


Dear Joel,

Ok, fine. Let's talk football.

I don't like the Patriots. It started when they won 3 Super Bowls in 4 years about 10 years ago. It's nothing personal, but I think it's normal for sports fans to root against established champions (unless it's your team, of course). Almost the whole country was pulling for the Royals in last fall's World Series. Not because they all hate the Giants, but because the Giants had already won twice in just the last few years. And I'm sure at some level in the recesses of my mind, I also don't like the Patriots because I'm a Cowboys fan. I like to think that the early 90s Cowboys dynasty was one of the best in the history of the NFL. Every time another team is as successful as often for a period of years, it makes that Cowboys team seem less special.

Then my dislike continued because of Brady and Belichick. Don't get me wrong, I think those guys are two of the best who have ever held those positions - but that doesn't mean I like them. I get irritated with the coach's lack of openness about his team and his system, his gruffness with the media and the way he doesn't give anyone anything to use as ammunition against him or his team. I hate those qualities - even while simultaneously wishing that my team was more like that. The last 10 years of Cowboys football has included far too much press coverage for negative reasons. Diva attitudes like that of T.O. make it tough for us to defend our team in the public square.

Then in 2007 my dislike for the Patriots heightened. The Spygate news came out, and I hate cheaters. Then, as if to spite everyone who got mad at the Patriots in the early part of that season, they were almost invincible on the football field. Watching them play was like watching the US Men's basketball team in the 1992 Olympics (the Dream Team). They didn't just win, they destroyed opponents. They were quite literally unstoppable. Given their still recent success and the Spygate stuff, I really didn't like them, so their success that year made me disdain them more and more. I don't like the New York Giants, but when they defeated New England in the Super Bowl following that season, I was ecstatic.

It's remained that way for awhile now. I was happy again when the Giants beat them again in the Super Bowl a few years later. And as this season wore on and the Patriots seemed to get better and better, all I could think was, "Aren't they supposed to be done being good?" Brady is old (for a football player). Belichick is old (for anyone). Isn't their "dynasty" supposed to be gone? When the Conference Championships were decided a few weeks ago I was bummed at the two teams that were going to be in the Super Bowl. I don't like the Pats for reasons described above, but I didn't want Seattle to win back-to-back championships either. So whom should I root for?

Then Deflategate happened. There's a lot about this story I still don't know or understand. I don't know how clear it is that deflating the footballs was intentional. I don't know whether there was involvement by Patriot coaches or players. I don't know if deflating footballs would really result in much of an advantage. And I know it didn't provide enough of an advantage for anyone to say that they might not have beaten the Colts otherwise.

But I hate cheaters. After the Patriots reputation, and after hearing hall of fame QBs making statements about how Brady had to have known that the balls were under-inflated, it's hard for me to think that the team is completely innocent. And so, I was cheering for the Seahawks.

I've written too much to get into too many details of the game (unless you want me to continue this next week) so I'll be brief. I thought it was a very good game. I enjoyed watching it.

And I think the decision to pass the ball on 2nd and goal from 1-yard line when Marshawn Lynch is your running back probably ranks up there with some of the worst play calls I've ever seen in my life.

Here's my question for you: How do you feel about "loud-mouthed" athletes? Guys who might perform very well on the field, but are completely antagonistic to everyone else in the world (Richard Sherman, has-been guys like T.O. and Chad Ochocinco, even including guys in other sports). A lot of people are bothered by what is at least perceived as arrogance and greed for money and the limelight. Are you?


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