Monday, February 16, 2015

Honestly Though, I'm the Best

Dear Jake,

I don't usually like loud-mouthed athletes.  I was going to say that I didn't like loud-mouthed athletes unless they play for my team, but nope, I thought about it, I don't like loud-mouthed athletes at all. 

Greed for money doesn't bother me much.  It's business.  Most of these professional sports are multi-billion dollar  industries.  If you work hard meeting the type of demands these sports put on you, you should probably fight for as big a piece of pie you can get.  I'm not gonna lie, I would.  So it's not the money thing that gets me.

The desire to be in the limelight isn't it either, I don't think.  I really think the limelight lands on the best performers.  You can talk forever and make a lot of noise, but people really only care about you if you are valuable to them in some way.

It's probably the arrogance thing that gets me.  Richard Sherman bugs me.  If only he was as good as he thinks he is.  It seems that the people who talk the loudest always end up thinking they are a little bit better than they actually turn out to be.  Don't get me wrong here.  I think Richard Sherman is probably one of the best in his position to ever play the game.  I think his numbers back that up, but he forgets that he is one of many on a team and without them, he's not much.  He thinks he is a little bit better than the best.  I think this meme that floated around the internet for a week or so post Superbowl sort of sums up what usually ends up happening to the talkers.

I don't know, I usually don't end up liking the people that like themselves so much that they don't leave any room for the rest of us.  You should like yourself, sure, but when you start loving yourself like the talkers love themselves, it doesn't leave me any room to like you.  I imagine that people like Sherman wake up, look in the mirror, flex, and kiss themselves for about 1/2 an hour every morning.  He doesn't need me to like him.

Some people dig it though.  They are the people that don't even like themselves, so they get their jollies by feeding off the residue love that the talkers leave like a trail of slime.

I'm supposed to ask you a question, I'd rather give an assignment.  So I'll give an assignment in the form of a question.  Will you write a short story in the first person describing a lunch date that you have with your choice of any three people alive or dead?  Tell us who the people invited to your lunch are.  Tell us where you are going to eat.  Tell us why you want to have lunch with them.  Tell us some of the conversations you expect to have with these people.

I also want to encourage anyone reading this to share your thoughts on these subjects as well.  I'm not sure anyone else does read these, but it's super fun to have a community involved in the discussions.  Share your thoughts.  We don't judge.  Feel free to ask your own questions too.  If you want, share this blog with other people who actually think about things and might want to participate in these discussions.

I can't speak for Jake, but I want to use this blog as an outlet to blast out my own thoughts and think them through via writing.  I'm not trying to build a huge audience, but I'm always for people joining in on the conversation.  Be part of it, and invite friends to be part of it too if you want.



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